Monday, March 5, 2007

I Can't But I Can

I can't believe it's Monday already, the weekend flew by for me. I can say that it definitely looks like we had a party over the weekend by the looks of my house. We didn't. The most exciting thing that happened around here this weekend was that the neighbors, who have been trying to sell their house for months now, had an open house and A1 and Hub-a-dub went over to be nosey. Shame.On.Them.

I can't wait for spring to finally get here. I can feel the spring fever creeping up on me already.

I can't believe the drastic weather changes around here. I can wear short sleeves and jeans one day but need a heavy overcoat and gloves the next.

I can't believe we had to take A1 to the mall to buy new clothes and he actually spent some of his own money. I can see the girl next door is finally getting to him.

I can't find a good cleaner to get the frikkin' milk stains off my couch cushion. I can see it's going to be a lot easier to just flip the stupid thing over to the other side.

I can't wait for tomorrow night's American Idol. I can only hope they boot that kid Sanjaya off on Thursday. (I really don't like him.)

I can't decide whether or not to go get my hair cut. I can say that it's starting to take on a Buckwheat style fro. (I seriously have the worst hair in history.) It has a mind of it's own.

I can't find a decent conditioner for my hair that I like. I can pull out about 10 half used bottles of conditioner from under my sink right now.

I can't sit here through another episode of Jimmy Neutron without screaming. I can tell A2 isn't going to be happy when I change the channel.

I can't force myself to watch Days of Our Lives these days. I can just get the quick updates off my favorite Days site without having to suffer thorough the character assassinations they are doing right now. Note to new writer: Stop messing up the good characters and stop with the freaking flashbacks already. I know what happened yesterday, I don't need a 15 minute reminder in the middle of the show.

I can't believe that I'm finally losing weight. I can tell a real difference in my clothes. (This makes me happy.)

I can't believe you didn't see A2 shaking his booty in the middle of Shoe Carnival on Saturday. I can tell you it was hilarious. He heard some disco song come on and first started walking weird from one foot to the other and once he found his spot, he stood there and shook his butt back and forth to the music. We got a lot of looks and awww's. A2 and I love us some disco.

I can't believe the doctor who stitched me up after having A2 didn't quite do it right and I'm still having side pains. I can only hope she stubs her toe today at work. Tomorrow and the next day too. (My side seriously hurts bitch.)

I can't believe the same doctor didn't do the best job on A2's surgery either. I can tell I'm going to call her bad names on more than one occasion.

I can't find my cell phone now because A2 loves to wander around with it. I can only hope he doesn't stick it in the toilet.

I can't see the floor in A1's room. I can hear him complaining now that he doesn't have any clean clothes to wear. (I'm not going in there to get them.)

I can't figure out how to load pictures onto my iPod. I can tell you I'm going to feel like an idiot when I finally do figure it out. I'm sure it's that simple.

I can't stop sleeping with my iPod earbud in my ear at night now. I can touch my ear in the morning and it because I slept with it in all night.

I can't wait to go on a vacation. I can imagine me on the beach somewhere loving life. (This won't happen any time soon but it's a nice thought I like to have.)

I can't see me in a bikini yet. I can use that thought as inspiration to keep working out.

I can't see this house getting any cleaner, the laundry getting and closer to being done, the dinner being cooked for tonight, or the baby taking a bath on his own as long as I continue to sit here. I can dream.